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Hello from Cambodia!! I can’t believe it, but I’m actually finally here! As I’m writing this, it’s almost the end of our first week in the country, and it’s just so surreal to actually be where I’ve spoken about being for so long. So far it’s been a crazy whirlwind of new things, people and experiences! After 48hrs of travel we finally made it to Phnom Penh and stayed there overnight at a hostel. The next day we travelled out into the countryside to a small village where we’ll be staying for the next month or so. Our days are packed full of ministry and fellowship, which can get physically tiring, but it’s so life giving! At the moment we’re staying with a host whose ministry involves running a little Christian village school while also providing the children with a loving and safe environment to be in at any time of day. This week has consisted of teaching the kids English and Bible stories, and most importantly, bonding with them! It’s so sweet to just be able to love on them and know that we’re showing them God’s love through everything we do. They love to play all sorts of games, so we’ve been running around a lot! I’ve had the privilege of being asked to head up an art project of painting the classrooms with the help of others on my team, and that’s been so sweet and an honor to be able to make the space special for the kids! We prayed together on what route we should take, and we all felt lead to do a garden of Eden theme. This has been so fun to make a reality, and I’m so happy to be able to use my gifts to bring beauty and glorify God in the space. The kids have loved it too! They’ll come in and help us paint and dance around with us, the sweetest thing! Another big thing we’ve been a part of is playing soccer with their village team. This is also a part of the ministry, which gives the kids a safe place to be active and spend time together in a loving and healthy environment. The leaders hope for this is that many of them will be trained with the skills to receive scholarships later on, in order to provide them with further education and a better life, which is so amazing! It’s been so fun to get to play with them, and so special to be able to partner in this impactful ministry run by such amazing people. It’s only been a week, but already so much has happened and I already love it here! I look forward to updating with many more stories of the ways God is working in this space. I’m so so grateful for you all, thank you for everything you’ve done to make this a reality, prayers and all!
Until next week!