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To begin where we left off, I’m now in Thailand! Apologies for how random these updates have been, there’s just so much going on! So a development which we were informed of on one of our last days in Cambodia, was that one of our teams would no longer be doing ministry in Chiang Mai. Instead they would be working in the mountains of Chiang Dao, and after much praying, our leaders felt that it was my team that was meant to go. This change very unexpected for everyone involved, and even though we were aware going into this that ministry is very subject to change, it was still a very hard thing to process for my team and for the squad as a whole. The splitting of the teams at the Thai border was difficult for everyone, as we had grown so close with our teammates during our time in Cambodia. Nonetheless, me, my 5 teammates and my leader headed off to the place God was leading us to. After a travel day consisting of long van rides, sleeping at a bus station, a 10hr bus journey and a crazy first experience in a songthaew, we finally made it to our host’s home in Chiang Dao! Immediately I began to see ways the Lord was blessing me through bringing me here. I am a person who adores greenery; it refreshes my soul in such a specific way and I always feel the need to have some sort of it around me. And low and behold, the landscape and nature here are absolutely STUNNING. Even going on a walk leaves me speechless that I’m able to serve in such a beautiful place. I mean just look at this!!

(this is my “I can’t believe this is real” face)


Once we got here and settled in a bit, we got to learn more about what ministry would be looking like for next month or so. It will consist of a few different things, and the first is the house we are staying in, that is in itself a ministry. It’s called “Fountain of Hope” and it is a couple who felt the Lord’s calling many years ago to take in children whose parents have either passed away or who have abandoned them, and raise them as part of their family. The area we are in specifically experiences a lot of deaths of parents as people do not have easy access to medical services. It is also common to marry extremely young here and then to get divorced, and then they will then neglect or abandon their children. These kids are left to grow up without families or educations, and are much more in danger of being pulled into terrible situations with the sex industry being so prominent here. It’s very saddening, but it’s been such a blessing to be invited to be a part of what they’re doing at Fountain of Hope. There are 12 kids here at the moment, and it’s been so sweet to do daily life with them! They are all so kind hearted and tightly knit, you can truly see how they are all a family together and it’s truly beautiful to see. Getting to know them during my time here has been such a gift, and I enjoy every moment of quality time I get to spend with them! The language barrier is sometimes difficult, but luckily they learn English at school, and I have good old google translate by my side to help me out when needed! We do all sorts of things together like playing games, doing chores, and having dance parties! Their parents (Juanita and Aaron) hold values of family togetherness and pursuing God very highly, and part of this is doing worship together every night, as well as holding our own little church service on Sundays. They have welcomed me and my team into their home with open arms and call us part of their family, and I could not be more honoured to be able to be a part of what God is doing here. I love each and every one of them, and I see how He has brought us to a place we could’ve never dreamed of for ourselves, working in and through us in ways we couldn’t have even imagined. He is SO good, and I can’t wait to share more about other ministry opportunities we’ve been a part of!!


( my team with Aaron and Juanita )

( dance partyyyyy! )

( teaching one of the girls how to paint )

( it’s so blurry because we were jumping and worshipping like crazy people! )

( a nice little walk with the kids )

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