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Another crazy two weeks in Chhuk!

Goodness where do I even start?? So much has happened in such a short amount of time and I’m so excited to tell you a little bit about it. First of all I would like to proudly announce that I’ve now eaten crickets, a chicken foot, and live ants off a tree, and they were all tastier than you’d think! I’m having so much fun trying new and strange things, and next on my bucket list is chocolate covered tarantulas (don’t worry I’ll definitely update on that later). But yes! This time has just been so full of new sights and smells and so many different experiences

. And the weeks have been so full of ministry and bonding opportunities. Throughout these past few weeks I’ve become closer and closer to the kids and staff, and I truly love each and every one of them 🥰 Even when not doing official ministry, we’re always hanging out with them and playing games, and this is just so important because care and intentionality are things that many of them don’t receive at home. This is one of the biggest ways we’ve been able to be Jesus to these kids, to love on them and pray that they I’ll grow up and remember what a light of hope we were amidst all the darkness.  A specific way I love to love on them is through physical touch. This is another thing that many, if not most, don’t receive at home; and they love nothing more than a big bear hug, and to be swung around again and again! More recently we’ve been having dance parties with them, praising the Lord and just having loads of fun together! They’ve really loved those and it’s been a great way to get all their energy out.

Other areas of ministry are also going super well! We’ve just finished up painting the art room, and it looks amazing! I had so much help from my team to make that room into what it is, and I can see the way it’s already bringing so much joy to the children, which couldn’t make me happier! I’m really proud of what we were able to accomplish in our limited time here, and I feel so honored to be able to head up the project. The other is our participation with the soccer ministry in the villages, which I’ve been absolutely loving! We’ve been training and playing against the kids and teens every night, and though soccer may not be our forte, we’ve grown a lot in our skills and it’s been really bonding! It’s really cool because it’s been a chance to participate in what they love to do, and have them teach us! Today was our last day in the village before we leave for Siam Reap and then Thailand, and it’s been really bittersweet for a lot of us. On one hand, we’re really excited for the new ministry and space we’ll be in, but on the other hand, it was really sad leaving all the children and amazing people we’ve connected so much with. The whole day was spent having quality time with the kids, hosting a big event where we helped provide a meal for all the kids. And then one of my favorite moments of the trip so far; where we came around all of the staff and kids and had a time of prayer over each and every one of them. It was such a moving moment where I was able to lay hands on these children I know God loves more than I can even imagine, and speak blessing and peace over them as they grow. To have been even a little bit involved in their story is such a gift to my heart, and I’m just so thankful to be here doing this.

Now we’re off to Siem Reap! We’ll be spending a few days there taking time to sabbath and explore, and then next stop is Thailand!! Please be praying for safe travel and for continued breakthrough as we step into unknown spaces! I look forward to writing again soon!